Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • Program: Pole Images et Reseaux - Appel Projets PME 2011

  • Project title: StreamMaster

  • Duration: 2012 - 2014

  • Coordinator: Data Syscom

  • Other partners: Research and University (University of Nantes, Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique, ESC Rennes) and Vendors and service providers (IMINFO)

  • Abstract: The purpose of the StreamMaster project is creating a universal software solution for the smart management of document streams, providing an added value over all the chain. StreamMaster will provide: an hybrid (local and remote) technological platform to allow user access, the possibility of connection to every information system and every input and output stream, the management of all the parameters of the document stream (cost, speed, delay, quality, environmental impact), security and reinforced document authentication mechanisms, non-falsifiable documents by means of invisible document tatooing, an innovative and multimodal HMI.

  • Program: Pays de la Loire regional funding. Call: Creation of new teams

  • Project title: AtlanMod New Team Creation

  • Duration: 2011 - 2014

  • Coordinator: AtlanMod

  • Other partners: None

  • Abstract: AtlanMod has been funded by the Pays de la Loire Regional Council new research teams program. This funding will mainly cover a PhD Student and two years of a postdoc to work on the quality of models research line.